(The answer of course is that we are just fine, but everyone else is a problem

I've been noticing my own response to all things bloggy, not only blogs themselves and the back-and-forth discussion, but even comments on all websites, ranging from Amazon reviews to comments on news and opinion articles on many mainstream websites: a mixture of fascination and horror. Essentially the implicit assumption is: if you can type it, it's valid and needs to be out there.
The problem is, with everyone clamoring to be heard, no one seems to listen.
Because I have a tendency to shoot-off my mouth, or, er, my fingers, I have mostly resisted in writing in response to every and any article I read, even to being occasionally loath to weigh in on discussion on this forum. I've noticed, however, that many others do not have any such barriers.
In additional to no one listening, the shift in the evolutionary landscape had led to a coulterization of debate. When there are thousands of blogs and dozens of comments to each entry, the easiest way to get noticed is to take extreme, take-no-prisoner positions and to run down any nuanced response. (It was in part my irritation at this attitude that led to my recent essay on criticisms of J. K. Rowling elsewhere on this site.)
Fortunately the discussions here are much more satisfying--although I think it is intelligent design

In other words, we're elitists. Ha. And I'm not sorry about it. I am allergic to prescriptive censorship--I dislike and distrust it when someone shuts off someone else's speech. But we all need to exercise internal censorship. Not every thought I have is worth spouting. Otherwise all we get is an increase of entropy. There are more words, but less information is getting transmitted.
But I would be curious to hear about other people's reactions. Is anyone else annoyed by the rising din of voices?
Or perhaps this post is another rise in entropy....